Is taking your camera on vacation just a distraction?

Travel photography
(Image credit: Bella Falk)

Whenever we went on vacation, my ex-boyfriend would complain about me bringing my camera. "Put it away," he'd say. "Enjoy the moment! Take in what’s in front of you with your eyes!" But he couldn’t have been more wrong. Far from being a distraction, photography helps you immerse yourself far more fully in a destination than aimless sightseeing ever could.

Ever since explorers took photographers with them to record their discoveries, travel and image-making have gone hand-in-hand. Today, with the rise in quality camera phones and digital equipment and picture-sharing sites like Instagram, photography tourism is booming. There’s a reason – and it isn’t just to brag about our adventures on social media.

Travel photography
Bella Falk

Bella Falk is a travel photographer, documentary director and writer from London. She writes the award-winning travel blog Passport & Pixels and won Best Photography at the Travel Media Awards 2020. Her images and articles have been featured in National Geographic Traveller, BBC Travel and Lonely Planet, among others.


This article originally appeared in Digital Photographer, a monthly magazine, and the kitbag essential for pros, enthusiasts and amateurs alike!

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Digital Photographer

Digital Photographer is the ultimate monthly photography magazine for enthusiasts and pros in today’s digital marketplace.

Every issue readers are treated to interviews with leading expert photographers, cutting-edge imagery, practical shooting advice and the very latest high-end digital news and equipment reviews. The team includes seasoned journalists and passionate photographers such as the Editor Peter Fenech, who are well positioned to bring you authoritative reviews and tutorials on cameras, lenses, lighting, gimbals and more.

Whether you’re a part-time amateur or a full-time pro, Digital Photographer aims to challenge, motivate and inspire you to take your best shot and get the most out of your kit, whether you’re a hobbyist or a seasoned shooter.