Classic Martin Parr prints on sale in Photographers' Gallery seaside special

 A photograph of two children eating ice cream, standing beside a red car
Ice cream kids, New Brighton, England, 1983-85 - from The Last Resort series, by Martin Parr. A 20x24 inch print is available for £2,750 plus sales tax (Image credit: Ice cream kids, New Brighton, England, 1983-85 ©️ Martin Parr, courtesy of The Photographers’ Gallery / Rocket Gallery)

The British summer time, it has been said, consists of two fine days and a thunderstorm. 

While this may be somewhat of an exaggeration, it can be said that we certainly never know what we’re going to get in the UK, however, that just makes us even more determined to enjoy the good days. 

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Leonie Helm
Staff Writer

After graduating from Cardiff University with an Master's Degree in Journalism, Media and Communications Leonie developed a love of photography after taking a year out to travel around the world. 

While visiting countries such as Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh and Ukraine with her trusty Nikon, Leonie learned how to capture the beauty of these inspiring places, and her photography has accompanied her various freelance travel features. 

As well as travel photography Leonie also has a passion for wildlife photography both in the UK and abroad.