Magnificent mountains! N-Photo 120 on sale today

N-Photo magazine
(Image credit: Future)

When it comes to landscape photography, there’s nothing quite like getting high into the hills. Craggy peaks, snow-capped summits and rugged ranges are dripping with drama, but if your attempts at scenic sierras have left you feeling flat, check our lead feature on shooting magnificent mountains. 

In an altogether more urban affair, pro Stu Meech shows his eager young Apprentice just what can be captured on your own doorstep with a photo walk through the streets of Bath. 

In this issue’s Big Test, we put ‘nifty fifty’ standard primes through their paces to find the best everyday lens for you, whether you shoot on an FX or DX body, DSLR or mirrorless Nikon

Elsewhere in our Gear section, we give the pro-spec Nikon Z 14-24mm S wide zoom the review treatment, and try out a selection of photo card services, to turn shots into personal greetings. 

We also interview German photographer Marie Bärsch, whose images have graced the cover of many a high-gloss fashion mag.

In our Nikon Skills projects you’ll learn to embrace misty mornings, try polarizer tricks with plastic forks, stitch panoramas and create towering vases of flowers – with a little help from Photoshop

And as an added bonus, we're giving away a Teach Yourself Photography ebook – whether you're a newcomer to photography or just need a refresher to brush up on basics, it's just the thing to kick off your 2021 photography adventure. 

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N-Photo is 100% Nikon-devoted, and 100% editorially independent. If you're a Nikon owner and want to improve your images, get the best buying advice and reviews, see some of the world's best Nikon photography,  N-Photo is the title for you. Get a free VEO Range 38NV Bag when you subscribe (UK only).

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So rush down to your newsagent today. Or ever better, why not subscribe to a print edition, and have the magazine delivered to your door every month?

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If you wanted a printed version of any of our most recent issues we have a selection of back issues to choose from in our online store.

Back issues of N-Photo are available online

Back issues of N-Photo are available online (Image credit: Future)

Subscription deals: Our guide to the best photo magazines


N-Photo: The Nikon Magazine is a monthly publication that's entirely dedicated to Nikon users. As a 100% independent magazine, you can be assured of unbiased opinion from a trustworthy team of devoted photography experts including editor Adam Waring and Deputy Editor Mike Harris

Aimed at all users, from camera newcomers to working pros, every issue is packed with practical, Nikon-specific advice for taking better photos, in-depth reviews of Nikon-compatible gear, and inspiring projects and exciting video lessons for mastering camera, lens and Photoshop techniques.

Written by Nikon users for Nikon users, N-Photo is your one-stop shop for everything to do with cameras, lenses, tripods, bags, tips, tricks and techniques to get the most out of your photography.