Prime Day isn't just a great time to splash out on exciting new devices for your tech portfolio, it's a time to get a few essentials. For me, that was memory and – blinded by the size of the discounts – I almost threw away nearly £50 by 'only' saving £245 on a much-needed SSD!
How so? At the morning's editorial meeting I mentioned the amazing Prime Day memory deal on SanDisk Extreme 2TB SSDs, one of which I needed since my last drive packed up. (You can't see this, but I had to pause writing at this point to glare angrily at the now-useless box from well-known TV & fridge manufacturer).
Anyhow, the discount from £363.99 to £119.99 on the SanDisk was enough to draw me in – it looks nice, it's a good brand – and I mentioned it to the DCW team.
Expert Ben Andrews pointed out to me that the difference between the two was largely the fame of the respective brand names, and that – although I personally might not have spotted it, the Crucial X8 2TB Portable SSD was also a compact, light, SSD storage device and this Prime Day is going for just £77.99 for the same amount of storage.
Crucial might not have the same brand power as WD/SanDisk, but it does manufacture a lot of the word's memory, Ben (or resident expert) assured me, so I can be confident in the product!
I certainly trust him, so that's another £42 I've not spent on a similar box – the answer to life, the universe, and everything.
Instead of this (which is still a pretty sweet deal):
Oh, and if you need some more storage, there are some equally striking Prime Day deals on the 4TB versions, accessible from the same deals links – though in the UK the SanDisk one seems to have sold out already; all the more reason to go with world renown memory manufacturer Crucial.
Or save even more than I did with the X6 – which lops another £5 off if you can accept a data rate of 800MB/s rather than 1050MB/s like the X8 and SanDisk choices.